Helen Thomas, a White House Press Corps member, ordered Jews to "get the hell out of Palestine". This was followed by robotic cackle, of the Joker's kind. Or Streicher's. "These people", she said (Arabs, I guess), "are occupied." - When people are occupied, it means they are busy with something. She must have meant a territory, but which? - The entirety of Israel, because the home of Jews, in her opinion that she shares with Hamas and Hizballah, is Poland and Germany. And USA. Herself, she is at home, a rabid antisemite, who, as daughter of Lebanese immigrants, is confidently enjoying comforts of the land whose natives - the few that survive - gave her full rights to settle there. I guess. There is little difference between her and Obama, however: both think Jews are in "Palestine" only because of the Holocaust. Who knows which one of them is more upset by that pesky presence. Thomas's is the real ugly face of the fighters for the rights of "Palestinians", whose only actual desire is to get rid of Israel, having failed in their prior attempts to exterminate the Jews.
6-07-10 PS. What is the analog of "swan song" for a vulture? She suddenly retired today, fired by Hearst. The news reported that she was a trailblazer. She may well be one - for open antisemitism in the mainstream media.
Democratic Party not to blame for Republican chaos
As a lifelong Democrat, I was offended by Daniel Pipes's self-serving
history of American politics, "Angry conservatives, explained" (Opinion,
March 1). Si...
Confronting Terrorism
[image: Confront Terrorism]
Confronting Terrorism
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long
and hard the road may be;...
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