The first post tells why. It may be too little, but hopefully not too late.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Jewishness, an antisemite's cover

From: Vanyukov, Michael 
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 10:51 AM
To: 'letters@nytimes.com'
Cc: 'action@honestreporting.com'; 'letters@camera.org'
Subject: P. Beinart, To Save Israel, Boycott the Settlements, New York Times, 3-18-2012

Dear Editor:

It is symptomatic that Beinart, calling for another boycott of Israel, has to refer to his Jewishness, “belong[ing] to Orthodox synagogues”, and sending children to Jewish school to offset the fact that “[b]oycotting other Jews is a painful, unnatural act”. It is indeed unnatural for any normal person, not just a Jew, to use the same weapon against the democratic Jewish state as has been used by antisemitic Arab/Muslim regimes – regardless of what he thinks of the “settlements” and “settlers”. The latter are misnomers, just as “West Bank” is, the only correct observation in his article. In his boycott call Beinart joins other unnaturally anti-Israel Jews, be it Orthodox Neturei Karta or his own J Street. Like they, he is only concerned of rendering the disputed territories Judenrein, never mentioning that the only reason they have come and remained under Israel’s control was Arab aggression and terror, which continue to this day and are codified in the governing charters of both PLO and Hamas. Beinart’s article may help him as free advertisement of his upcoming anti-Israel book as well as provide additional support to the antisemites of the world, to whom his distorted perspective ultimately caters. The Jew-haters are always happy to point out another Orthodox synagogue-attending Jew who can’t tell Israel from apartheid South Africa.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lying tradition of "Palestine"

Somehow, Arab/Muslim propaganda does not need consistency. It asserts that there was never a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, and Jerusalem has always been "Palestinian" capital; then the contemporary Jews are not real Jews by "blood", but Khazars, so they have no rights in Jerusalem (why would they, if that was not a Jewish city in the first place?); that Jesus is a prophet of Islam, but somehow nothing that connects him with prophecy, e.g., preaching at the Temple, is true in the eyes of Muslims (there was no Temple, was there?). No history of the destruction of the Temple by the Romans (and by Nebuchadnezzar before) exists for the Muslims - it is not even replaced by any coherent lie. 
They steal Jewish Psalms, like they have stolen the lands they've declared theirs - North African, Asian and European, like they've stolen Jewish and Christian prophets, following in that Muhammad's example. Plagiarism is always pathetic, an ugly child of intellectual impotence - be it by a writer or a politician like the current US vice-president, - but that is of negligible consequence when compared with the global repercussions of Muhammad's and Islam's plagiarism and distortions - of time, space, past and present, names and events. From the warp-speed night travel of Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem (Koran never mentions Jerusalem, and says, to "the farthest mosque", "Masjid al-Aqsa" - but today's Islam places it in Jerusalem where the al-Aqsa mosque was built when Muhammad had long been dead, on the Temple's ruins) - to the 500 Jenin civilians "massacred" by Israel, a Goebbelsian lie stated by  the "Palestinian" chief negotiator Erekat and (mis)Information Minister Abed Rabbo, and readily repeated by mainstream news agencies and supported by European politicians. 
Hard to understand how so many people, including intellectuals, can be satisfied by the Koran, a disjointed hodge-podge of inventions and ad hoc justifications of Muhammad's horrific actions, imitating divine revelation, childish in its scary-fairy-tale refrain of hellish punishment sadistically executed on unbelievers by Allah, the deity, himself. Then again, it is not surprising, as the same people, the "Palestinian" Authority, declare recently found shekels of year 66 CE, bearing the inscription of "shekel of Israel", a "Palestinian" coin. That is especially amusing because "Palestine" would not be invented, by the Roman Emperor Hadrian, for another 66 years.  Amusing, that is, if one is not thoroughly disgusted by insults to intelligence, doublethink and constant fantastic rewriting of history that is so peculiar to the Muslim culture.  "Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: The Prophet said, 'War is deceit.'" (Sahih Bukhari, 4:52:269). The war goes on.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Disgusting "Economist" bloggery

The Economist, to put it mildly, is not pro-Israel. The thugs... oops, bloggers to which The Economist provides its web space, are worse. In response to one of them, I sent a letter to the editor. It was two days ago. I am waiting for its publication with bated breath. Here it is, with the robot's response on top:

>>>The Economist thanks you for your letter, which will be edited if it is chosen for publication either in print or online. [skipped]

Dear Editor,

In the Soviet Union, where I came from, anti-Israel pieces in the newspapers were often published anonymously as editorials. That was intended, on the one hand, to suggest that the article expressed the Party line rather than a personal opinion, and, on the other hand, allowed the author to avoid a personal stigma of antisemitism that, when displayed openly, was still considered inappropriate in educated circles. I am not sure about the party line, but it seems that  the above referred article from March 6, 2012 (http://www.economist.com/blogs/democracyinamerica/2012/03/israel-iran-and-america), took the same approach at least in regard to the cowardly cover of the author's identity, protecting him/her from the personal mark of Jew-hater. As it was in the Soviet Union with its relentless anti-Israel/pro-Arab propaganda largely driven by traditional antisemitism, the article is full of distortions, as is, for instance, its implication that Israel's control over the territories is the result of its imperial ambitions, like Britain's or Portugal's. Besides the absurdity of comparison between the territories obtained for imperial colonization by those countries and the historically Jewish land captured by Israel in a defensive war, the author neglects to note that immediately after hostilities ceased in 1967 Israel offered to return all the territories it captured - in exchange for peace. The "three 'no's" of the Khartoum Resolution were the Arab response.

The author brands pathological the Israeli perception of Iranian  threat, when this threat is unambiguously and repeatedly expressed by the top of Iranian leadership, and it would be pathological or criminal for Israeli leaders to take that threat in any other way than on its face value. The "ghetto mentality", contrary to the author's view, is not the readiness to exercise strength for self-defense, which the Israeli leaders hopefully have, but cowering  in hope that the pogrom mob will miss you, which the author has reserved for Israelis. The author's derision for Israel, Israelis and the Jews in general is unmistakable in his/her referring to the "familiar ideological trope from the Jewish national playbook: the eliminationist anti-Semite", as if such an antisemite is something inconceivable, and the elimination of Israel has not been promised by Ahmadinejad and Khamenei. History teaches that promises like that are not given in vain.

In the Soviet Union, we had a name for "anti-Zionist" articles like this, hateful, lying and distorting: a pogrom paper. Papers like that used to be published on the eve of another tightening of anti-Jewish and anti-dissident policies. Those papers were usual for Pravda. It is painful and revolting to see such an article on the pages of The Economist.